Is TikTok going to be banned?

Is TikTok going to be banned?

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – Efforts to ban TikTok in the U.S. have been revived and could get a vote in Congress as early as Saturday but those opposed say that’s a violation of Americans’ free speech rights. The legislation now has the support of a key senator and likely has enough yes votes in Congress to…

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RMAG news

Karol G to Headline Rock in Rio 2024 & More Uplifting Moments in Latin Music

From career milestones to new music releases to major announcements and those little important moments, Billboard editors highlight uplifting moments in Latin music. Here’s what happened in the Latin music world this week. Karol G at Rock in Rio The “Amargura” singer is set to co-headline Rock in Rio, which will also include performances from Mariah Carey and Ludmilla,…

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Rusia susține că a doborât 50 de drone ucrainene. Doi civili și-au pierdut viața

Rusia susține că a doborât 50 de drone ucrainene. Doi civili și-au pierdut viața

Ministerul rus al Apărării a transmis sâmbătă că apărarea sa antiaeriană a interceptat şi distrus 50 de drone ucrainene în cursul nopţii, respingând unul dintre cele mai mari astfel de atacuri asupra Rusiei de la izbucnirea conflictului din Ucraina, relatează Reuters, potrivit Oficialii ruşi au declarat că doi civili au fost ucişi şi un…

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