Westside Community Center gets upgrades ahead of South Valley Pride Day

Westside Community Center gets upgrades ahead of South Valley Pride Day

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The Westside Community Center in Albuquerque is finally ready for this year’s South Valley Pride Day after some much-needed improvements. The center’s park, near Iselta and Atrisco, has new additions including covers on their playground, new grass, and a new stage for community events. City of Albuquerque hosting annual Spring into Summer…

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Hunderte Ärzte der Berliner Charité streiken

Hunderte Ärzte der Berliner Charité streiken

Ärzte der Berliner Charité sind mit ihren Arbeitsbedingungen unzufrieden und streiken für mehr Gehalt. Einige Eingriffe müssen deswegen verschoben werden. Mehrere hundert Ärztinnen und Ärzte der Berliner Charité wollen heute für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen und mehr Geld streiken. Der Marburger Bund hat die insgesamt rund 2700 Ärzte der drei Charité-Standorte zu einem ganztägigen Warnstreik aufgerufen, wie…

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LA County assistant district attorney charged with unauthorized use of peace officer files

LA County assistant district attorney charged with unauthorized use of peace officer files

Felony charges have been filed against a Los Angeles County assistant district attorney, who is accused of repeated and unauthorized use of data from confidential, statutorily protected peace officer files, the California Attorney General’s Office announced Wednesday. After an extensive investigation, Diana Teran was charged by the California Department of Justice with 11 felony violations…

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Al final de la escapada

Al final de la escapada

Lo primero es que no es serio parar el país para ver qué hago. Tan improcedente como insólito. Si uno está pensando en dimitir, y es lógico que así sea con la que está cayendo, se consulta con la almohada y con alguna persona de confianza, y cuando la decisión está tomada, se comunica y…

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