Crews make progress on prescribed fire near Canjilon

Crews make progress on prescribed fire near Canjilon

RIO ARRIBA COUNTY, N.M. (KRQE) – Fire crews are monitoring a prescribed fire near Canjilon in Rio Arriba County.

On Saturday, fire officials determined there was no need to continue with hand and aerial ignitions on the Montoya Prescribed Fire. Firefighters completed 835-acres of the proposed total 899-acre unit within the Canjilon Wildland Urban Interface Project. On Saturday, crews were focused on igniting a few unburned areas within the perimeter and securing the control lines on the east and west by cooling hot stumps and logs that were near the line.

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Personnel will remain in the area to continue checking the fire by walking the unit boundary, mopping up the perimeter, falling hazard trees, and monitoring any remaining interior burning. Smoke will be observed at times from interior smoldering pockets of unburned fuels, but no further growth is expected.

The area in and around the burn remains open, but locals and visitors are asked to take caution when entering a recently burned area. Drivers should slow down when in the area and around firefighters or apparatuses.

Minimal smoke impacts are expected now that most of the fuels have been consumed.

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