Both feted and gilded, Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are two sides of the same rotten politics

Both feted and gilded, Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are two sides of the same rotten politics

After three days of the election, it’s clear the PM will change – our rotten political system won’t

Say this for Keir Starmer: he’s lucky in his enemies. From Rebecca Long-Bailey to Liz Truss to Humza Yousaf, they flop as heavily as solo projects from lesser members of Take That. And then we come to Rishi Sunak.

It shouldn’t be said of a man wealthier than the king, but: poor Rishi. The defining images of this first week of the election campaign will be of a downpour and D:Ream, and the ostensible leader of the country standing drenched on his doorstep as if, Withnail-style, he’d called an election by mistake. For his launch, Starmer kept in the warm and looked prime ministerial. What a contrast.

Aditya Chakrabortty is the Guardian’s senior economics commentator

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