MedLife to open new mental health centers in 10 locations across Romania

RMAG news

MedLife, the largest private healthcare provider in Romania, is planning to expand its MindCare network of centers in psychiatry and psychotherapy nationwide.

In Romania, the need for mental health services is steadily increasing. Data shows that, on average, there are 12 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants in the country, compared to the European average of 171.

This shortage occurs while the prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders has nearly doubled over the past 10 years, rising from approximately 1,566 cases per 100,000 people in 2012 to around 2,890 cases per 100,000 people in 2021.

Additionally, Romania ranks 58th in the world for suicide rates and 126th for depression rates. Anxiety, depression, and behavioral disorders are among the leading causes of illness and suffering among young people. According to recent studies, approximately 22,000 children and young people in the country are living with a mental illness diagnosis3 . Other studies show that nearly half of Romanian teenagers have had suicidal thoughts at least once, and over a quarter have felt persistently sad and unable to escape their sadness4 .

Given this data, which highlights the acute need for appropriate interventions and resources for the care and prevention of mental health problems among the population, MedLife has decided to expand its MindCare centers of excellence in psychiatry and psychotherapy nationwide. The first units are set to open in Craiova and Constanta.

”Our major objective of making Romania well together cannot be achieved if we do not direct our attention and resources towards a niche still considered taboo or almost nonexistent on the public agenda. Stigmatization, lack of access to adequate services, and the shortage of specialists in the field of mental health are significant challenges that MedLife, as a leader in private medical services, has the capacity to confront. Through the national expansion plan of MindCare, we are taking on a new strong commitment to improve access to mental health services in Romania and to significantly contribute to

increasing awareness and care in this essential health domain”, said Mihai Marcu, President and CEO of MedLife.

In the medium term, MedLife aims to open MindCare centers of excellence in psychiatry and psychotherapy in over 10 locations across the country, based on local demand.

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