Buttons with CSS Effects

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Buttons with CSS Effects

Hello, dev.to community! 🚀

I want to share with you my project on CodePen, where I have created 5 examples of animated buttons using CSS. These buttons feature roll-over effects utilizing SVG and CSS and have received a lot of positive attention with many views and comments. Here are some highlights:

Roll-over Effects: Each button has a unique roll-over effect that adds dynamism and style to web interfaces.

Using SVG and CSS: The effects are achieved by combining SVG for scalable vector graphics and CSS for animations.

Pug and Sass: I used preprocessors like Pug for HTML and Sass for CSS, which allow me to write code more efficiently and in an organized manner.

Key Learnings

Pug: Simplifies writing HTML with a cleaner syntax.

Sass: Makes CSS management easier with variables, nesting, and mixins, improving code maintainability.


These buttons are not only visually appealing but also enhance the user experience when interacting with the page. I invite you to explore the examples and see how you can integrate them into your own projects.

What’s Next?

I’m always looking for new ways to improve and learn. I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions!

Explore my project on CodePen

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