Top-Down Shooter Update: Day 2 (Done: Health & Score)

Top-Down Shooter Update: Day 2 (Done: Health & Score)

Instead of first adding enemies, I added health and score .. honestly, I’m a bit intimidated by adding enemies. This is probably because I’ve seen videos of other game developers creating such amazing enemy AI and it seems like adding enemies is so much more complex than adding a player character or other features.. I thought it’d be easier.

However without an enemy or some other mechanic, health and score kind of don’t mean anything lol. The score and health text are just ordinary plain text:

The simplest way I think to do an enemy AI is to make a vector between the enemy position and player character position. And have the enemy move along that vector. The calculation of the angle of that vector would change every frame, so it will look like the enemy is chasing the user. Sometimes, knowledge is the best way to defeat the enemies of life.. the real enemy is the unknown

Future Goals
-Create Enemy
-Spawn enemies
-Make star-throwing more directional (according to angle between mouse and character)
-Better Player Movement (like rolling to escape enemies)
-Melee Weapon Attack (sword or shotgun)
-More variety in ‘Bullets’ (cycle through list of different types)
-Find new assets to replace bullets and main character

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