Culero: The Open Source alternative to LinkedIn ?

RMAG news

Hey fellow open source enthusiasts!

We’re excited to announce the launch of Culero, an open source project aimed at providing a fresh alternative to the stagnant landscape of professional networking platforms, particularly LinkedIn.

*Why Culero?

Innovation in social platforms has been rapid over the years, with platforms like Myspace, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat continually evolving. However, LinkedIn, since its 2016 acquisition by Microsoft, has somewhat stagnated. We believe it’s time for a change.

*Our Vision

Culero is more than just a professional networking platform; it’s a community-driven project aimed at fostering innovation, collaboration, and inclusivity in the professional sphere. By making it open source, we’re inviting developers, designers, and enthusiasts from all backgrounds to contribute their ideas and skills to build something truly special.

*How You Can Help

We’re reaching out to the open source community for feedback, suggestions, and, most importantly, contributions. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a UI/UX designer, a project manager, or simply passionate about revolutionizing professional networking, there’s a place for you in the Culero community.

*What Sets Us Apart

By embracing the principles of open source, we believe Culero has a unique competitive advantage. Rather than relying solely on corporate interests and profit-driven decisions, we’re building a platform that prioritizes the needs and desires of its users. Together, we can create a product that truly serves the community.

*Get Involved

Contribute Code: Check out our GitHub repository and start contributing code today. Whether it’s fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving performance, every contribution helps.
Spread the Word: Help us grow the Culero community by sharing this post with your friends, colleagues, and networks. The more people we have on board, the stronger we’ll be.

*Feedback Welcome

We’re constantly looking for ways to improve and evolve Culero, and your feedback is invaluable to us. Whether you have suggestions for new features, improvements to existing ones, or just want to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear from you.

Together, let’s build a professional networking platform that’s truly worthy of the 21st century.


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