Most High Schoolers in Romania Lean Left, Want State to Ensure Their Well-being

Most High Schoolers in Romania Lean Left, Want State to Ensure Their Well-being

The majority of high school students (78%) lean towards the left on the ideological spectrum, and over 90% believe the state should ensure quality healthcare for everyone, regardless of income, as well as quality education.

Issues concerning individual rights and freedoms are widely debated among students, with the most contentious topics being compulsory military service for boys (56% against, 44% for), internet censorship (55% against, 45% for), and the legalization of homosexuality (53% for, 47% against), according to a study by World Vision Romania.

One of the most interesting findings of this study is the significant difference between girls and boys in terms of value-ideological orientation. On the one hand, we have girls who increasingly assert values ​​of individual rights, which reflect opinions on the role of women, the rights of sexual minorities, freedom of expression, and on the other hand, we have boys who embrace more conservative attitudes regarding these aspects.

82% of high school students believe that their vote matters or will matter.

The perceived level of information of young high school students regarding the role and prerogatives of the main political positions is sub-mediocre with an average of 4.58 points on a scale from 1 to 10.

The “Ideological profile of high school students from Romania” study refers to the orientation of high school students along the ideological axis, their projection on life, the assessment of political interest and the identification of the level of knowledge of the role and prerogatives for the main eligible political positions in the 2024 election year in Romania. The study has a sample of 575 high school students from 34 counties from all regions of the country, including Bucharest-Ilfov, from both urban and rural areas.
The study continues World Vision Romania’s efforts from the Young Leaders United for Democracy project, financed from the “Citizens, equality, rights and values” program.

The post Most High Schoolers in Romania Lean Left, Want State to Ensure Their Well-being appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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