‘Pillars, pergolas, palms and pines’: readers’ favourite gardens in Europe

‘Pillars, pergolas, palms and pines’: readers’ favourite gardens in Europe

Our tipsters’ horticultural finds from Hanover’s formal terraces to the world’s oldest university botanical garden in Padua

Varenna is the perfect Italian village, from its hilltop castle to the shore of Lake Como. Easily accessible by train or ferry, it is host to a spectacular botanic garden. The meandering Passeggiata degli Innamorati – the Lovers’ Footpath – brings you in 20 minutes from the ferry to Villa Monastero (entry €10, open March-November). With pillars and pergolas, palm trees and pines framing views of the deep blue lake and mountains beyond, scented by citrus and herbs, the garden is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever visited. And there’s a bar. Perfect happiness.
Maartje Scheltens

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