There should be over 100 disabled MPs, but there are barely any. People like me feel excluded | Lucy Webster

There should be over 100 disabled MPs, but there are barely any. People like me feel excluded | Lucy Webster

The 16m disabled people in the UK deserve better, but this government has made any improvements less likely

If disabled people were represented in politics according to their proportion of the UK population, there would be about 136 disabled MPs. There were, in fact, just five in 2021. Or, at least, only five who publicly identified as disabled. Even assuming there were a few more disabled MPs who hadn’t declared themselves as such, it is an extremely poor showing.

The disproportionately low figures (disabled people make up about 21% of the population) are hardly a surprise. Getting elected is a notoriously inaccessible process, as emphasised by the decision of parliament’s newest disabled MP, Craig Mackinlay, to stand down at the election. Mackinlay lost his hands and feet to sepsis last year, and cited in his resignation the difficulty of sustaining 70- to 80-hour working weeks while continuing his rehabilitation.

Lucy Webster is a political journalist and the author of The View from Down Here: Life As a Young Disabled Woman

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