Has it made me creative, or held me back? Shaparak Khorsandi on being diagnosed with ADHD in her 40s

Has it made me creative, or held me back? Shaparak Khorsandi on being diagnosed with ADHD in her 40s

People may be told their condition is a gift. But that’s little comfort when looking back at a trail of destruction

Discovering in my 40s that I have ADHD was a bit like how, I imagine, Tarzan felt when he found out he was a human and not a chimpanzee. For years he must have wondered why he was so different to the other chimps. Why did he have to use rope instead of his arms to swing from the trees? Why did he prefer to eat berries rather than termites and why, no matter how much another chimp shook its arse at him, he didn’t get the horn.

I know how it feels for people around you to think you are not doing things their way just to be annoying. “If only you applied the same focus to swinging from branches as you do to making things with your hands, you wouldn’t be so behind,” his chimp teachers must have said, as he whittled wood to make a cutlery set.

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