Building a Portfolio Website with Jekyll

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In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for professionals, especially those in the creative field. One way to showcase your work and skills is by building a portfolio website. While there are various website builders available, one of the popular tools gaining traction is Jekyll. In this article, we will discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and features of using Jekyll to build a portfolio website.


Simplified Website Management: Jekyll is a static website generator, which means it generates HTML files without the use of databases. This eliminates the need to constantly update and manage a server, making it easier to maintain a portfolio website.

Speed and Performance: As Jekyll websites are purely HTML files, they load faster compared to dynamic websites. This results in better user experience and improved SEO rankings.

Version Control: Jekyll integrates with Git, allowing you to track changes and revert to previous versions easily. This is especially useful when collaborating with others on the website.


Limited Dynamic Content: Jekyll websites are built on static files, so they have limited dynamic content capabilities compared to other website builders.

Steep Learning Curve: For those not familiar with coding or command-line interface, Jekyll may have a steep learning curve. It requires some technical knowledge to set up and customize the website.


Customizable Templates: Jekyll offers various pre-built templates and themes that can be customized according to your brand and style.

Markdown Support: Jekyll supports Markdown, making it easy to write and format content without having to deal with HTML.

Integration with GitHub Pages: Jekyll integrates seamlessly with GitHub Pages, allowing you to host your website for free.

In conclusion, Jekyll is a powerful tool for building a portfolio website with its simplified website management, speed and performance, and version control features. However, it may not be suitable for those without technical knowledge or those looking for more dynamic content. Nevertheless, with its customizable templates and integration with hosting platforms like GitHub, Jekyll offers a great option for showcasing your work and skills to the world.

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