Young women are telling each other to ‘date rich’. How terrifyingly retro | Emma Beddington

Young women are telling each other to ‘date rich’. How terrifyingly retro | Emma Beddington

‘I’m looking for a man in finance’ is the viral hit of the summer. Will the irony be lost on those who see all women as shallow gold-diggers?

‘I’m looking for a man in finance” goes the viral TikTok song of the summer. And it doesn’t mean my version – standing in the only bank branch for miles that hasn’t become a Costa, looking for someone, anyone, with a lanyard, a tablet and a can-do attitude to sort out my direct debit problem. “Trust fund, 6’5”, blue eyes,” continues the hook. If you haven’t heard it yet, click with caution: it’s a weapons-grade earworm.

It was originally a joke – its creator, Megan Boni (@GirlonCouch), told she was mocking women who complain about being single while having absurd non-negotiables in a prospective partner. But it’s become, among other things, an (arguably) sincere anthem for girls who genuinely want to date private equity giants in quilted gilets.

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