Local election Romania: Who won in the big cities, according to the latest data?

Local election Romania: Who won in the big cities, according to the latest data?

More than nine million Romanians went to the polls in the local elections on Sunday, and the voter turnout exceeded 50%, according to the data provided by the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP). In several big cities, things were clear since Sunday evening, with Nicușor Dan winning the Capital City Hall, Emil Boc in Cluj-Napoca, and Dominic Fritz in Timișoara.

The incumbent mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc, wins his sixth mandate following Sunday’s elections, with 45% of the votes, according to the parallel counting carried out by the liberals.

According to Cluj24, after the liberals counted 100 of the 184 polling stations in Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc (PNL) leads with 45% of the votes cast, followed by Sabin Sărmaş, an independent candidate, with 30% of the votes.

From the first information, Dominic Fritz won the local elections for Timișoara City Hall on June 9, 2024. It would be the second time that the userist beat Nicolae Robu, who came in 2nd place. In 2020, the difference between the two was over 20 percent, 53.25% to 29.87%.

The parallel counts of the political parties show the mayor Mihai Chirica and the president of the Iasi County Council, Costel Alexe, as winners, following the local elections held on June 9 in the city of Iasi and in the county. Thus, after counting 90% of the votes, Mihai Chirica received 32.6% of the votes, followed by USR senator Marius Bodea, the ADU candidate, with 25.7% of votes, deputy Cosette Chichirău, with 14.5% of the votes , the PSD leader of Iasi Municipality, Bogdan Balanişcu – 13.7% and MEP Tudor Ciuhodaru (AUR) – 9%.

Olguta Vasilescu won a new mandate at Craiova City Hall, obtaining a score of 65.32 percent for the position of mayor.

The parallel counts of PSD, PNL and USR give the winners in Constanța to the liberals Vergil Chițac at the mayor’s office and Florin Mitroi at the County Council.

The candidate of the United Right for Bacău City Hall, Lucian-Daniel Stanciu-Viziteu, won a new mandate, according to the data published by the Deşeptarea newspaper. Viziteu is credited with 37.5% of the votes.

After 20 years, PSD wins the Suceava town hall where PNL was the mayor. Vasile Rîmbu (PSD) won the elections for the position of mayor of Suceva. His liberal opponent Lucian Harsovschi admitted defeat.

PSD candidates Ionuț Pucheanu and Costel Fotea each won a third mandate at the helm of the municipality and of Galați county, respectively.
PSD Mayor Viorel Marian Dragomir won a new mandate in Braila. Also, the president of Brăila County Council, Francisk-Iulian Chiriac, was re-elected to head the CJ.

Astrid Fodor won a new mandate as mayor of Sibiu, according to data provided by USR. After counting votes in 94 out of 107 precincts, Astrid Fodor leads with 39.74%.

Elena Lasconi was re-elected mayor in Câmpulung with a crushing score. The counting of votes has not yet been completed, but in 23 out of 26 wards we obtained almost 70 percent for the mayor and in 23 out of 26 wards we obtained over 51 percent for the local council. We continue with the facts”, Elena Lasconi wrote on Facebook.

At Brașov City Hall, the PNL parallel count gives George Scripcaru the winner over incumbent mayor Allen Coliban (USR). According to partial results after 85% of the votes have been counted, Scripcaru has 4,000 votes ahead of incumbent mayor Allen Coliban, which ensures his victory.

The independent Mihai Polițeanu announces that he won the Ploiesti mayor sear. The independent candidate Mihai Polițeanu announced that he won the elections for the Ploiești City Hall in front of the incumbent mayor Andrei Volosevici (PSD) and the liberal candidate Bogdan Nica.
Călin Bibarţ (PNL) won a new mandate as mayor, according to the parallel counting of votes that would include, until 6:00, the votes from 97 sections out of the 115 in the municipality of Arad.
PSD wins the City Hall of Câmpina, the second largest city in Prahova County, known as a liberal fiefdom. According to the data centralized at the party, the social democrats also win the town halls of Azuga and Buşteni, mountain resorts, where former mayors who led the institutions for several mandates return to their positions.

The PNL candidate for the Slatina City Hall, Mario De Mezzo, won the mayoral elections, according to the parallel counting carried out by the liberals, and celebrated the victory on the streets of the city with hundreds of people. Mario De Mezzo stated that the victory belongs to the people of Slatina and shows their dissatisfaction with the current “incompetent” administration.

In terms of county councils, PSD has grabbed six county council leader seats from PNL, according to the partial results presented on Monday by rezultatevot.ro: in Maramureș, Suceava, Timiș, Vrancea, Caraș and Prahova, all controlled by the PNL until now.

Therefore, in Suceava, the liberal Gheorghe Flutur is about to lose the presidency of the County Council to the social democrat Gheorghe Șoldan, after Liberals has had it for 20 years. According to the data at this time, he has 43.2%, while the liberal was voted by 40.6%.

The liberals also lose Timiş, where the PSD-PNL Alliance puts the social democrat Albert Simonis in office, but also Prahova, where Virgiliu Daniel Nanu is voted in place of the liberal Iulian Dumitrescu.

According to the first data, PNL also lost Vrancea county. Instead of Cătălin Toma, the social democrat Nicșor Halici now has the best chances. The PSD candidate has 37.88%, while the liberal was voted, according to resultsvot.ro, by 36.31% of the county’s population.

The partial data show that PSD is about to win the post of president of CJ Caraș-Severin: Silviu Hurduzeu has a 7-point lead over Romeo Dunca (PNL).

In Maramureș, as well, the PSD candidate, Gabriel Zetea, is given 36% in front of the PNL candidate Gabriel Șteșco, with 30.5%.
PSD- 24 county council leaders (red)
PNL 12 county council leaders (yellow)
UDMR – 4 county council leaders (green)
In Timis, PSD-PNL ran as an alliance and their candidate won (purple)
AUR and ADU have no county council.
The United Right Alliance, less than one percent behind the PSD at the general council in Bucharest
PSD obtained 27% of the votes in the elections for the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest (CGMB), United Right Alliance – 26.6%, PNL – 12%, according to the partial results after counting 80% of the votes cast.

After the centralization of 80% of the votes (596,355 of the 747,254 cast), the ranking is as follows:

PSD – 27% (155,016 votes)
ADU – 26,6% (153,263 votes),
PNL – 12% (71,440 votes)
PUSL – 10% (57,792 votes)
AUR – 8% (47,208 votes)
REPER – 7% (40,348 votes)
SOS Romania – 4,2%, meaning 24,176 votes.

The post Local election Romania: Who won in the big cities, according to the latest data? appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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