Networking to a 5th Grader in 256 words.

RMAG news

This is a submission for DEV Computer Science Challenge v24.06.12: One Byte Explainer.


Imagine you want to send a hand-written invite to a buddy who lives far away to your birthday party. In order to send this invite, you would need to use a postal service. Sending data through the internet is like using a postal service.

Firstly, you would write your letter and put it in an envelope (which is like creating a message on your computer). Then, you write your friend’s home address on the envelope which tells the postal service the destination (which is like an IP address for the internet).

Next, you place the envelope in the mailbox (which is similar to using your Wi-Fi or home internet to send a message). Now, it’s up to the postal service to deliver your mail. The postal workers are like internet service providers who move your mail from one place to another using trucks and post offices. These trucks and post offices are like routers and servers on the internet.

At each post office along the way, your mail might be sorted and sent to another post office. As time goes on, your mail gets closer and closer to your buddy’s house. This is similar to how data travels from servers and routers on the internet.

Eventually, your mail is delivered to your buddy’s house. When your friend opens the envelope, it’s like their computer receiving and showing the message you sent.

So, sending messages and pictures on the internet is a lot like sending letters through the postal service, but with computers and special addresses instead.

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