How to learn DSA from CodeChef

RMAG news

We all know that data structures and algorithms are very important for any software engineer. Being able to use data structures and write your own algorithms for your day to day problems is one of the best things.

But even after watching a lot of videos and following tutorials, you may find yourself not being able to solve basic DSA problems.

I have recently found this platform CodeChef where you can practice problems on DSA.

I am going to list down all the data structures and algorithms which are present in this roadmap:

Data structures

Linked Lists
Disjoint set union


Greedy Algorithms
Two pointers
Prefix sums
Binary search
Bit manipulation
Dynamic programming
Number theory

If you learn all this data structures and algorithms, and practice sufficient problems on them, you can easily become one a good developer.

You can find the roadmap here –

Even though you will not be implementing this DSA on your day to day job, but you will still be able to think on how to approach and solve the problems.

Happy coding!

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