Made an Online HTML editor

Made an Online HTML editor

Okay, so this is the latest addition to my side project. I made an HTML editor. To be honest, it was not that hard but it was special!

I enjoyed the magical moment when I first saw my html code rendering in the preview window, that too in real-time. I know it’s not a big deal for many but for me it feels like the completion of a long awaited thing. The last one(at least for now) that the project needed. Along with that, I can save my code snippets and share with others. Very much excited because I can showcase and share excellent web snippets from now on.

Yes, and now I feel like I have added fairly good number of programming language support.

People often ask, what do I have different than jsFiddle or Pastebin. My answer to that is “simplicity”. See, most of my traffic is organic and I am not doing any paid promotion so far, I don’t run ads and till now I am spending my own money to run this side project. The biggest payback for me is seeing people using my product, they are saving code snippets, registering themselves, maybe for their school project or practicing code; who knows… what matters is all of this with no major differentiator and I’m loving it this way.

There are plans for more developer friendly front-end and backend interview related features. Looking for more ways to simplify the dev journey.

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