RMAG news

I recently called @mince for a challenge .The challenge was simple. We just have to make a game in scratch and the time is 30min. This also has some points making

1 view in scratch – 1 point
1 heart- 2 points
1 star-2 points
1 remix- 3 points
1 comment -5 points

This is how we consider the points. The one who loses should praise the other person by writing a post in dev.to. I thought I should not lose this challenge with @mince


As I started the timer I felt nervous because I didn’t have one game to do so I wasted literally 10minutes just thinking what should I do and after these 10 minutes I got a plan for my scratch game.


My plan is easy. I have to create 100 GIGA’S of different colours and there will be one different GIGA just with a spectacles and if we find the odd GIGA among the 100 other we will get one point


The first thing I should keep in mind is I have 20 minutes and I did not write one line of code also. I first started by adding GIGA with spectacles and the starting page. The second I duplicated many GIGA’s to make 100 GIGA’s and wrote all of the code and the winning page. My game does not have anything to lose .In the last 5 minutes I did the score variable and ended my project and time was also over

Please support me by giving a heart,star,remix and a comment so that I can win over @mince

@mince project: Pizza Clicker

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