University of Chicago charter school to pay $125,000 after video showed teachers mock special education student, call him ‘dumb’

University of Chicago charter school to pay $125,000 after video showed teachers mock special education student, call him ‘dumb’

A University of Chicago charter school will pay $125,000 to a special education student who was mocked by his teachers and called “dumb” during a disturbing incident captured on video, according to court records. A federal judge recently approved the payout, which will resolve a civil rights lawsuit that the student’s mother filed on her…

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Joe Biden verwundert mit bizarrer Kannibalen-Anekdote

Joe Biden verwundert mit bizarrer Kannibalen-Anekdote

Joe Biden gibt bei einer Veranstaltung Familiengeschichte zum Besten. Doch eine Anekdote über seinen Onkel erstaunte nicht nur seine Zuhörer. Joe Biden hat mit einer bizarren Geschichte aus seiner Familie für Verwunderung gesorgt. Der US-Präsident sprach am Mittwoch auf einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Pittsburgh über seinen verstorbenen Onkel Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr.. Dieser sei im Zweiten…

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Scream 5 & 6 Directors Explain Their Departure From the Horror Franchise

Scream 5 & 6 Directors Explain Their Departure From the Horror Franchise

Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett are opening up about their departure from the Scream franchise. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Bettinelli-Olpin and Gillett confirmed they left the Scream franchise because they wanted to make Abigail while Spyglass Media wanted to quickly move forward with Scream 7 after the sixth movie made approximately $169.1 million at…

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