Fun Facts About The Halving

Fun Facts About The Halving

The halving is a pivotal moment in Bitcoin’s monetary policy every four years, having massive implications for the economic viability of individual mining operations, the overall market dynamics of the asset, and generally the block alcohol content present in Bitcoiners’ bloodstreams. Everyone celebrates the halving each cycle as a moment where Bitcoin becomes a more…

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Cătălin Cîrstoiu: Nu am făcut nimic care să îmi dea mie perspectiva că sunt în dosare de incompatibilitate

Cătălin Cîrstoiu: Nu am făcut nimic care să îmi dea mie perspectiva că sunt în dosare de incompatibilitate

„Am auzit și eu, ca și dumneavoastră, declarațiile publice ale domnului președinte Ciucă și ale domnului Marcel Ciolacu, domnului prim-ministru. Oricum aveam intenția să fac acest lucru, dar consider că e util să facem asta cât mai repede. Primul lucru pe care vreau să vi-l spun legat de acuzațiile de incompatibilitate, opinia mea este că…

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RMAG news

Romania Bans Russian Films in Cinema

Romania banned Russian movies in cinemas across the country. The decision is based on the fact that Russia is an aggressor in Ukraine, according to the Romanian Minister of Culture. Romania decides by itself how it manages its policies in the field. The propaganda of the aggressor states has no place in public cultural institutions….

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Iran-Israel-Konflikt: Eskalation? “Warme Worte reichen nicht”

Iran-Israel-Konflikt: Eskalation? “Warme Worte reichen nicht”

Nach dem Angriff auf Ziele im Iran vermeidet das Mullah-Regime Schuldzuweisungen. Das Land bleibe jedoch ein Sicherheitsrisiko, sagt ein Experte. Daran hätten auch Europa und die USA ihren Anteil. In der Nacht zu Freitag erschüttern Explosionen die iranische Stadt Isfahan. Schnell verbreitet sich die Nachricht rund um den Globus. Ist das der erwartete Gegenschlag Israels…

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Letters to the Editor: Selle’s wrong — voter fraud can and has happened; proposed hike in price of stamps make me want to scream; why is there outrage over Gaza and not over Ukraine?

Letters to the Editor: Selle’s wrong — voter fraud can and has happened; proposed hike in price of stamps make me want to scream; why is there outrage over Gaza and not over Ukraine?

Selle’s wrong — voter fraud can and has happened Columnist Charles Selle appears to have an issue with individuals’ frustrations about our open border crisis. I found the comments from his detractors were quite eloquent and on the mark. His attempt to minimize them does not diminish their truth. “Surely that was a one-off in…

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Letters to the Editor: Help foster children in Kane County by volunteering with CASA; where is it written that baseball must be a four-season sport?

Letters to the Editor: Help foster children in Kane County by volunteering with CASA; where is it written that baseball must be a four-season sport?

Help foster children in Kane County by volunteering with CASA I am a Kane County CASA/GAL (Court-Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian ad Litem) for children in foster care. CASAs advocate for these children, gathering information and reporting to the court so an informed decision can be made in their best interest. The work can be challenging but…

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