Albuquerque resolves to boost environmental sustainability

Albuquerque resolves to boost environmental sustainability

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The city has approved a resolution to boost sustainability across the city. Both the city council and mayor put their stamps of approval on the plan to refocus environmental efforts.

“We’re tackling climate change at every level of city government, which hasn’t been done at this scale before,” Mayor Tim Keller said in a press release. “These bold directives ensure that everyone can benefit from sustainability in Albuquerque, and our families can continue to live and thrive here.”

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The city has had resolutions to guide climate policy in the past. Now, the new resolution updates and recommits those efforts. It requires the city to boost job opportunities in sustainable careers, upgrade city facilities, and create public awareness campaigns to help educate residents on energy rebates, among other things.

“Climate change is real and its impact is already being felt here in Albuquerque. Sadly, those impacts are felt first and the most in frontline communities,” City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn (District 7), said in a press release. “That’s why I’m so proud that our city’s new sustainability resolution focuses on vital climate resiliency efforts for community members who need help the most. The time to act is now, and Albuquerque is rising to meet the needs of its residents.”

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