Azure components of Azure

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Even if you’ve been using Azure for a while, you might not be fully aware of what the essential elements of this massive cloud provider are.

We’ll examine what I think are the three essential elements of Azure’s internal architecture in this article:

Availability Zones
Data warehouses or centers

Let’s examine each one in greater depth.

1. Regions

Azure regions are defined as geographical locations that house several data centers. Every region is created to give consumers the best possible security and performance.

The majority of the time, a single Region contains several datacenters that are connected to one another by a low-latency network so that they can interact.

Here are some essential details regarding Azure regions:

UK South
East Asia
Australia East
Brazil South
France Central

You can find out full list of Azure Regions on their official website, here. Link

Almost all services inside Azure require you to specify in which Region you want the resource deployed. Now, we know that a region is simply a bunch of datacenters in the same area.

2. Availability Zones
A collection of datacenters makes up an Azure Availability Zone, which is smaller than an Azure Region. As a result, an Azure Region may alternatively be thought of as a collection of one or more Availability Zones.

Availability Zones’ seclusion is what gives them their power. The other Zones in the Region will keep operating normally even if one goes down.

This makes an Azure Region “available,” as the name implies, even in the event that several datacenters experience technical difficulties.

3. Datacenters
Datacenters are situated at its very core. They may be compared to enormous structures housing a separate network, power, and cooling system for each server.

Azure is a worldwide supplier, thus these big structures, or datacenters, are located all over the world. Datacenters are organized into Azure Regions to make it more secure and easier for developers to deal with.

The main conclusions of this piece.
A data center is made up of several servers.

An Azure Availability Zone is created by a collection of datacenters.

An Azure Region is formed from a collection of Availability Zones.

Thank you for reading and please do check out my profile for more blogs on Azure and AWS services.

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