Anwit, 32, a scientist, meets Kassondra, 33, a travel writer
What were you hoping for?
Someone I would not otherwise meet.
Anwit, 32, a scientist, meets Kassondra, 33, a travel writer
What were you hoping for?
Someone I would not otherwise meet.
Fostul președinte american Donald Trump, candidat pentru un nou mandat la Casa Albă, a anunțat joi, 12 septembrie, printr-un mesaj pe rețeaua sa Truth Social, că nu va participa la o altă dezbatere cu contracandidata sa Kamala Harris, actuală vicepreședintă a SUA, relatează BBC. Republicanul și-a explicat decizia, anunțată la două zile după confruntarea lor…
Răzvan Lucescu a câștigat al doilea campionat în Grecia, tot cu PAOK Salonic. Tehnicianul român este cel mai titrat tehnician din istoria clubului elen, unde se află la al doilea mandat. Savvidis s-a temut că Lucescu pleacă la arabi Lucescu jr. a ratat calificarea în Liga Campionilor, după o dublă manșă cu Malmo. Suedezii s-au…
Ce este, de fapt, metoda românească de a face plinul la mașină care a ajuns viralul lunii pe internet? Vorbim despre un truc ”românesc” care a generat mare interes în mediul online în septembrie. Viralul lunii pe internet Când vine vorba de trucuri și de diferite soluții, românii pot fi destul de inventivi. Nu de…
Stațiunea de poveste din România, plină de turiști străini, care e inclusă în patrimoniul UNESCO. Are peisaje de vis, dar și o istorie vastă. Se numără printre cele mai frumoase locuri din Transilvania. Stațiunea de poveste din România care e plină de turiști străini. Unde se află În România există numeroase locuri cu peisaje de…
Alex Mitriță a revenit la echipa națională a României după o pauză de doi ani. Mircea Lucescu a fost cel care l-a readus pe fotbalistul Universității Craiova în angrenajul echipei naționale pentru meciurile cu Kosovo (3-0) și Lituania (3-1) din UEFA Nations League. Victor Pițurcă a comentat situația atacantului din Bănie. „Dacă ai fi fost…
Simona Bucura Oprescu, ministrul muncii, le-a explicat tuturor, pentru a 100-a oară, de ce pensiile mici nu crești și de ce contributivitatea este foarte importantă în noul sistem al pensiilor. Pensiile sub 2000 de lei au fost lovite în plin de noua lege a pensiilor. Experții avertizează că oricum România va avea mari probleme în…
Vice President Kamala Harris has gone 54 days as the presumptive, and now, official Democratic nominee for president without holding an official press conference. She and former President Trump met on Tuesday at the ABC News Presidential Debate. Under pressure to sit down for a substantive interview after weeks of stonewalling, Harris finally ended her…
Marinela Chelaru a chemat din nou ambulanța, din cauza problemelor de sănătate pe care le are. Actrița este operată pe cord și nu s-a simțit deloc bine în această vară caniculară. „Am fost operată la Spitalul Militar. Mi se necrozase o arteră și a trebuit să mi-o schimbe. Mi-a fost iar rău, din cauza căldurii,…
The ‘conversation wasn’t being had that vocally’, radio presenter tells Women’s Health Jo Whiley has said she “really lost” herself when she was going through the perimenopause, in part because public conversations were not being had about the issue. The BBC Radio 2 DJ, 59, praised the former Big Brother presenter Davina McCall for opening…
Document detailing ‘deterioration’ under Kais Saied will fuel concerns about bloc’s migration deal with his country The EU fears its credibility is at stake as it seeks to weigh growing concerns about the crushing of dissent in Tunisia while preserving a controversial migration deal with the north African country, according to a leaked document. An…
As he announces ‘understated’ fourth album Small Changes, the Mercury-winning musician explains how he went from ‘slight weirdo’ to wowing Glasto – and why more of us are turning to religion At the start of the summer, Michael Kiwanuka played at Glastonbury. A warm-up show in Halifax aside, it was the first gig he had…
From Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss to Kim Kardashian, anyone who’s anyone shows up in this fantastically chic spectacle. What a shame none of them say anything of note There is nothing I love more than a fashion documentary in which you have to look up at least one of the contributors online to make…
Twenty out of 28 say law should be changed, with parliament expected to debate issue in coming months A citizens’ jury has overwhelmingly backed the legalisation of assisted dying for terminally ill people after hearing from experts over a period of eight weeks. Twenty out of 28 jurors based in England agreed the law should…
Exclusive: YouGov polling across Europe suggests most countries are sympathetic to protests against overtourism A third of people in Spain say their local area now has too many international visitors, according to a continent-wide survey that has found most people across Europe are sympathetic to protests against overtourism and back steps to combat it. The…
Heroin use has risen sharply across the country but in Pretoria, a programme of methadone and support is successfully helping people regain their lives In the centre of the South African city of Pretoria, dozens of people mill around a dusty patch of land beside a main road, openly smoking and injecting drugs. Over the…
Mesajul astrelor pentru Berbeci este să se gândească de două ori înainte să acționeze. Urmează o zi a deciziilor și pentru Raci de asemenea. Capricornul pe de altă parte va avea parte de un eveniment neașteptat. Mesajul astrelor pentru zodii, vineri, 13 septembrie. Cumpănă pentru Gemeni Berbec Ar fi bine să te gândești de două…
După mai multe bâlbe comise de arbitri în cadrul finalei de la sol și după o contestație făcută la TAS de Ana Maria Bărbosu, aceasta a primit medalia de bronz. Deși o câștigase în concurs, ea a fost depunctată ulterior și pe podium a urcat americanca Jordan Chiles, care a avut nota mărită după contestație…
So, reviews of the debate are pouring in and liberal cat ladies everywhere rejoiced. True, the debate got five stars from the makers of Fancy Feast and two paws up, says Purina. The media, of course, says Kamala won, but why wouldn’t they? They’re so far up her a– they can see out of her…
Damar Hamlin was on the other end of a serious injury in primetime on Thursday night. In a dreadful night for the Miami Dolphins, a 31-10 blowout loss to the Buffalo Bills included a concussion to quarterback Tua Tagovailoa in the third quarter. The hit that caused Tagovailoa’s concussion came on a tackle by Bills…
Dina Grameni a fost convins de Dan Șucu să accepte mutarea la Rapid. Acest lucru i-a adus Farului 400.000 de euro în conturi și încă 30% dintr-un viitor transfer, așa cum anunțat în exclusivitate FANATIK și cum a anunțat și Gică Hagi. Dina Grameni povestește mutarea la Rapid și cum l-a convins Dan Șucu să…
In 2024 four journalists have been killed, with others jailed, as they report on human rights abuses by the military junta The year 2024 is already the deadliest since the coup for media operating in Myanmar, with three deaths recorded last month alone as the junta is accused of imposing a “terror campaign” on the…
Fox News host Sean Hannity highlights how former President Trump is not just running against Kamala Harris, but a ‘machine’ of institutions on “Hannity.” TRUMP SAYS ‘THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE,’ CLAIMING VICTORY AGAINST HARRIS IN TUESDAY’S SHOWDOWN SEAN HANNITY: It’s no secret that one candidate, yes, Vice President Kamala Harris, is planning to…
După ce a fost director executiv la FIFA și apoi la AC Milan, Boban a venit în 2021 la UEFA. Însă, el a demisionat din funcția de director pentru fotbal la începutul acestui an, susținând că a luat această decizie ”din motive etice și morale”. Aleksander Ceferin, atacat dur de Zvonimir Boban La acel moment,…
Miami Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa had another scary “Thursday Night Football” moment, as he suffered a concussion after taking a big hit from Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin. Dolphins medical staff needed just six minutes after Tagovailoa left the field on his own power to determine the signal caller had a concussion. On 4th-and-4 with…
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday that reinstates tough criminal penalties for those who conduct large-scale theft schemes and smash-and-grab robberies that continue to frustrate voters across the state. Under the new law, prosecutors are required to begin imposing harsher sentences on those who damage or destroy property with a value of more…
Former President Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, have sat down for at least 47 interviews since the Harris-Walz ticket was formed, compared to just eight non-scripted interviews for the Democratic presidential ticket thus far. Vance did interviews with CNN, Fox News and ABC in the aftermath of Tuesday’s ABC News Presidential…
Two Colombian nationals will serve lengthy prison sentences for conspiring and attempting to murder U.S. soldiers by detonating a car bomb outside a military base near the Colombia-Venezuela border, the Justice Department announced Thursday. Colombian nationals Andrés Fernando Medina Rodriguez, 40, and Ciro Alfonso Gutiérrez Ballesteros, 31, were sentenced to 35 and 30 years in…
The NFL Players Association has said its piece on Baltimore Ravens defensive lineman Kyle Van Noy’s complaint about the Kansas City Chiefs’ medical staff, which he called “super unprofessional” in treating his fractured orbital bone in Week 1. Van Noy’s injury came in the NFL’s season opener at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium, where the…
Former President Trump promises to eliminate taxes on overtime pay as part of a series of proposed cuts he said would mean more disposable income for workers. “That gives people more of an incentive to work. It gives the companies a lot,” Trump told a crowd Thursday at a campaign rally in Tucson, Arizona. “The…
Court documents detail the cause of death of two Kansas moms whose bodies were found after disappearing on a road trip to Oklahoma to pick up their kids. In April, the Office of the Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner positively identified the two deceased persons from Texas County as 39-year-old Jilian Kelley, and 27-year-old Veronica Butler….