Boost Your Interview Calls: Update Your Resume with ATS Score Checker, ChatGPT, and JobForm Automator

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In today’s competitive job market, getting your resume noticed by recruiters and hiring managers is more challenging than ever. With many companies using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes, ensuring your resume passes through these systems is crucial. Here’s how you can update your resume to get more interview calls using an ATS score checker, ChatGPT, and JobForm Automator.

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

ATS is a software application used by employers to manage their recruitment process. It helps in sorting and filtering resumes based on specific keywords and criteria. If your resume isn’t optimized for ATS, it might never reach a human recruiter, no matter how qualified you are.

Step-by-Step Guide to Optimize Your Resume

1. Research Keywords

The first step in optimizing your resume for ATS is to identify relevant keywords. These keywords are usually found in job descriptions. Pay close attention to the skills, qualifications, and job titles mentioned frequently.

2. Use an ATS Score Checker

An ATS score checker helps you evaluate how well your resume aligns with the job description. Tools like Jobscan or Resume Worded can analyze your resume and provide a match score.

How to Use an ATS Score Checker:

Upload your resume and the job description into the ATS score checker tool.
Review the report and note areas that need improvement.
Adjust your resume to better match the job description by incorporating missing keywords.

3. Leverage ChatGPT for Tailored Content

ChatGPT, an AI language model, can be a valuable tool for enhancing your resume content. It can help you craft compelling bullet points, summaries, and professional profiles.

How to Use ChatGPT:

Bullet Points: Provide ChatGPT with details about your job roles, responsibilities, and achievements. Ask it to create impactful bullet points.

Example: “ChatGPT, can you help me rewrite this bullet point to be more impactful: ‘Managed a team of 5 people.'”

Professional Summary: Share your career highlights and goals with ChatGPT, and ask for a polished summary.

Example: “ChatGPT, based on my experience as a marketing manager and my goal to lead a digital marketing team, can you draft a professional summary for my resume?”

Skills Section: Ensure your skills are relevant and formatted correctly. ChatGPT can suggest the best way to present them.

Example: “ChatGPT, can you help me list my skills effectively for a software development role?”

4. Use Job Descriptions to Enhance Skills Section

To ensure your resume is tailored to what employers are looking for, gather several job descriptions (JDs) for positions you are interested in. Analyze these JDs to identify common skills and qualifications. Here’s how you can use ChatGPT to refine this process:

How to Use Job Descriptions and ChatGPT:

Collect 5-10 job descriptions for roles similar to what you’re applying for.
Input these job descriptions into ChatGPT and ask for a consolidated list of required skills.

Example: “ChatGPT, based on these five job descriptions, can you list the top skills that are required?”

Learn these skills through online courses, workshops, or self-study.
Once proficient, update your resume to include these skills.

5. Refine Your Format and Structure

Ensure your resume is clean, professional, and easy to read. Use a simple layout with clear headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting. Avoid graphics and complex designs that may confuse the ATS.

Tips for Formatting:

Use standard section headings like “Professional Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills.”
Stick to common fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri.
Avoid images, tables, and columns.

6. Use JobForm Automator to Boost Applications

Maximize your job application efforts by using the JobForm Automator, a Chrome extension that helps you apply for hundreds of jobs daily. This tool increases your chances of getting more interview calls by automating the repetitive task of filling out job application forms.

How to Use JobForm Automator:

Install the JobForm Automator Chrome extension.
Create an account and enter your personal details, work experience, desired salary range, and upload your resume.
When you visit job portals like LinkedIn, Indeed, or, use the extension to detect the “Easy Apply” or “Quick Apply” options.
Right-click on job listings and let the extension auto-fill the application forms and auto-apply for jobs.
Visit Jobform Automator to know more.

With JobForm Automator, you can efficiently apply to multiple job listings, significantly increasing your chances of securing interviews.

7. Proofread and Test Your Resume

Before submitting your resume, proofread it thoroughly to eliminate any typos or errors. Use tools like Grammarly to catch grammatical mistakes. Additionally, test your resume with multiple ATS score checkers to ensure it’s optimized.


Optimizing your resume for ATS is crucial in getting more interview calls. By researching keywords, using an ATS score checker, leveraging ChatGPT for tailored content, refining your format, and proofreading your resume, you can significantly improve your chances of passing through the initial screening process. Additionally, by analyzing multiple job descriptions and acquiring relevant skills, you can ensure your resume stands out to recruiters. Finally, boost your job application efforts with JobForm Automator to apply for hundreds of jobs daily, increasing your likelihood of landing interviews.

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