Build your framework based on the requirements of your projects (based on JavaScript/TypeScript)

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Here’s how you can build your framework tied to the requirements of your projects (based on JavaScript/TypeScript)

*************** BACKEND PART ***************

Backend Framework: Express (API) or NestJS (Microservices)
Language: TypeScript
Database: PostgreSQL with Drizzle or MongoDB with Mongoose
UI for Database: Adminer for PostgreSQL or mongo-express for MongoDB
Authentication: Passport.js + JWT
API Documentation: Postman, Insomnia or Swagger (OpenAPI)
Real-time Communication: Socket[dot]io
Testing: Jest + Supertest
Containerization: Docker
CI/CD: GitHub Actions
Monitoring and Logging: Prometheus, Grafana, and Winston
Message Queue: RabbitMQ
Job Scheduling: BullMQ + Redis
Caching: Redis
UI for Job Scheduling: bull-board
Cron Jobs: Bree or node-cron
Email Handling: Nodemailer
Email Templates: Handlebars, EJS or react-email
Data Validation: Zod
Configuration Management: dotenv + Zod (validation)
Security: Helmet + rate-limiter-flexible
File Uploads: Multer
GraphQL Support: GraphQL Yoga + gqtx or Pothos + GraphQL Codegen
Web Server + SSL: Caddy

*************** FRONTEND PART ***************

Language: TypeScript
Frontend Framework: React
Meta-framework/Tooling: Next.js or Astro or Remix or Vite
UI Framework: TailwindCSS + ShadCN + Aceternity UI or Mantine or Chakra UI or Ant design or Material UI
Custom Hooks: useHooks
Data-fetching: Tanstack Query + Axios
State Management: Zustand
Form Handling: React Hook Form
Animation: Framer Motion or GSAP
Dashboard: react-admin or Refine or HorizonUI

Thanks for reading.

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