Building a Movie Recommendation Program in Python

Building a Movie Recommendation Program in Python


In today’s digital age, finding the perfect movie to watch can be overwhelming with so many options available. To address this, I built a Movie Recommendation Program in Python, designed to help users easily discover movies by genre and release year. This tool simplifies the decision-making process and makes movie selection more enjoyable.

The Program in Action

How It Works

The Movie Recommendation Program is comprised of three main files: The main application file that handles user interaction. Contains the classes and methods for managing the movie collection.

movies_dataset.csv: A dataset file with information on various movies.

Code Overview

Loading Movies: The program reads data from movies_dataset.csv and loads it into a MovieCollection object.
User Interaction: Users can search for movies by genre or filter them by release year.
Movie Management: The MovieCollection class in organizes movies into genres and allows for efficient retrieval and display.

Here’s a snippet of the main application:

Check Out the Code

The complete source code for the Movie Recommendation Program is available on GitHub. Feel free to explore, fork, and contribute to the project!

GitHub Repository: Movie Recommendation Program


The Movie Recommendation Program is a simple yet powerful tool for movie enthusiasts. By leveraging Python, this program demonstrates how technology can enhance our entertainment experience. I hope you find this project useful and inspiring for your own coding journey. Happy coding!

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