EP ONE: react-image-rendering
Welcome to Building in Public The Drama version: This is where coding meets storytelling. This series is not just about coding and explanations. It’s more than that, it’s a story, A story about an addiction, betrayal and lots more. I hope you all would love it.
For the Abridged Version without the drama,
Codes and Expalantions only click this Link:
For the rest of us, Let’s get the party started.
Word of Note:
This version, like its sister version the Abridged version, would be broken down into ACTS and PARTS. Links to updates would be attached for you all to follow.
{voke walks up to the stand and mic.[clears throat] He can see about 3 cctv cameras in the room, meaning people are watching the events taking place here from an unknown location}.
voke: Hello! {then stares at the audience in the group}
someoneFromTheAudience: {yelling…} Is this your first time?
lisaLippss: I think it’s kinda hot, i need a fan;
jamesBurn: & What did you say?
lisaLippss: You heard me.
{after a long pause…}
voke: Hello everyone, my name’s voke. And i am an addict.
everyone: Hello voke.
voke: It’s been a tough journey for me and being here today is a big step.
I got a problem, a serious problem. And no matter how hard I try I can’t go sober. Coding keeps chasing me like Jason in a hockey mask. One second, I am building. The next minute, I am debugging. The next hour, I go sour in a shower, after breaking down things. I came here, and can’t believe I brought the “code in” like “codeine”. I am really addicted to “coding”. And “men” it’s “mern”. And anytime I sleep I see codes. You would think i am halucinating, like i just p*pped a pill. When I am alone, these codes talk to me. I hear them telling me to display flex(dispaly:flex), console.log(“this”). All day, i “c.s.s”. I feel I am possessed. I can’t sleep, i can’t breathe, i can’t eat.
mikeAngelow: Whaaaat!!! {looking in disbelief}
voke: Alright you dont believe me, let me show you something right here, right now. Let’s build in public. Let me give you a demo, no playstation. And I swear Father Damien won’t attempt to exorcise this demon this time around.
{voke picks up a laptop and plugs it to the 55 inches tv in the center of the room.}
clicks on visual studio code icon {goes to View in the top part in between Selection and Go, then clicks on terminal. Then in the terminal below he types}:
To navigate inside the folder
cd building-in-public
That’s to get inside the building-in-public folder
That’s to check inside the building-in-public’s directory.
That’s to make a new folder
Then he proceeds to type this :
The response he gets is:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
He click on the y option
He chooses React.
He chooses Typescript.
voke: We will be using Typescript.
mikeAngelow: Typewhat?
peterPants: This dude isn’t normal
The response he gets from clicking Typescript is:
Now run:
npm install
npm run dev
_➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/
➜ Network: use –host to expose
➜ press h + enter to show help
{voke runs this: (ctrl + click) on httpx://localhost:5173/ to open the page up in the browser locally}
voke: Now we have successfully started this badboy up. you can see what’s on the screen, a vite logo, react logo and a counter.
voke: Here, you can see the picture right there below in the image attached
lisaLippss: Cooooooool!!!
johnnyInglish: woooow!!!
peterPants: that’s not possible.
sherlockHomez: hmmmm!!! {taking his pipe from his mouth}
{Meanwhile, there’s a guy at the back in the dark, baseball cap obscuring his face. He remains silent and very calm}
voke: No addition, no subtraction. This is my life, and you are all welcome to My ADDICTION. I ‘ll catch you in ACT 2.
About the writer: Voke Bernard is a passionate {obsessive} and ambitious M.E.R.N developer. Building of Reactjs && Expressjs applications is all he does. He is currently open to work, Feel free to reach out.
Call to Action: If you enjoyed this act, stay tuned. ACT 2 follows shortly.