Building My Trips Sharing App in Just One Week with React Native and Supabase

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In the fast-paced world of app development, turning an idea into a functional product swiftly can be both exhilarating and challenging. This is the story of how I built “Tripster,” a trips sharing app, in just one week using React Native and Supabase. From setting up the development environment to deploying the final product, this article covers the entire journey, highlighting the key steps, tools, and strategies that made this rapid development possible.

Day 1: Planning and Setting Up

The first day was all about planning and setting up the development environment. I defined the core features of Tripster: user authentication, trip creation, and trip sharing. With a clear roadmap, I set up the development environment.

Tools Used:

React Native: For building the cross-platform mobile app.
Supabase: As the backend for authentication and database management.
Expo: To simplify the React Native development process.


Initialize the Project: Used Expo to initialize a new React Native project.

expo init Tripster
cd Tripster

Install Dependencies: Installed essential libraries for navigation and Supabase integration.

npm install @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/stack @supabase/supabase-js react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context

Configure Navigation: Set up the navigation structure using React Navigation.

Day 2: Implementing Authentication

Authentication is crucial for any app with user-specific data. On the second day, I integrated Supabase for user authentication.


Set Up Supabase: Created a new project on Supabase and obtained the API keys.

Configure Supabase Client: Added a supabaseClient.js file to configure Supabase.

import { createClient } from @supabase/supabase-js;

const supabaseUrl =;
const supabaseKey = your-supabase-anon-key;
export const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey);

Implement Login and Signup: Created separate components for login and signup functionalities with form validation and error handling.

Day 3: Designing the User Interface

The third day was dedicated to designing a user-friendly interface. I focused on creating a clean and intuitive UI.


Splash Screen: Designed a splash screen that displays the app name for 2 seconds before navigating to the login screen.

Login and Signup Screens: Styled the login and signup screens with appropriate input fields and buttons, ensuring a consistent look and feel.

Day 4: Developing Core Features

With authentication in place, the fourth day was spent developing the core features of the app: trip creation and trip sharing.


Trip Creation: Added a form to allow users to create new trips, including fields for trip details and images.

Trip Sharing: Implemented functionality for users to share their trips with others, leveraging Supabase’s real-time capabilities.

Day 5: Integrating Database and Real-Time Features

To store and manage trip data, I integrated Supabase’s database and real-time features.


Database Setup: Created tables for users and trips in the Supabase dashboard.

Real-Time Updates: Configured real-time updates so that any changes in the database are immediately reflected in the app.

Day 6: Testing and Debugging

The sixth day was dedicated to rigorous testing and debugging to ensure the app runs smoothly across different devices and scenarios.


Functional Testing: Tested all functionalities, including authentication, trip creation, and sharing.

Bug Fixing: Identified and fixed bugs, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Day 7: Deployment and Launch

On the final day, I prepared the app for deployment and launched it.


Build the App: Used Expo to build the app for both Android and iOS.

expo build:android
expo build:ios

Deploy to App Stores: Followed the guidelines for deploying apps on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.


Completing Tripster in just one week was a challenging yet rewarding experience. Leveraging the power of React Native and Supabase allowed me to develop a robust and scalable app quickly. This journey highlights that with the right tools and a well-structured plan, rapid app development is achievable. If you’re looking to build your next app swiftly, consider using React Native and Supabase to accelerate your development process.

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