Burglars at high-end Encino shoe store leave trail of cash and evade police in chase
Claudio Ctin7 mins
Burglars at a high-end Encino shoe store evaded police during a high-speed chase and left a trail of money and broken glass behind them in the early morning hours Wednesday.
Los Angeles police officers responded to a burglary call around 3 a.m. at 18007 Ventura Blvd., where they encountered several masked suspects coming out of the store and quickly climbing into three cars, Fox 11 reported.
Police pursued the suspects, at times reaching speeds of over 100 mph, before they got away.
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, officers examine the scene. Cash is strewn in the street. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, an officer gathers cash left strewn in the roadway. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, the shoe store is next door to a locksmith. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, officers pick up cash that the suspects dropped during their getaway. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, officers at the store after the suspects fled. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, officers enter the store through the broken glass door. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, officers survey the scene. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, officers enter the store. The glass in the door was broken. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, the store’s owner speaks with officers. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
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Los Angeles police investigate early Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024, after burglars fled the scene, leaving a trail of broken glass and cash on the 18000 block of Ventura Boulevard in Encino. Above, officers examine the scene. Cash is strewn in the street. (Photo from video by Keith Johnson/Key News Network)
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