Wenig Aufschluss über Todesfälle in Klinik

Wenig Aufschluss über Todesfälle in Klinik

Bukarest (ADZ) – Ein erster Bericht des Gesundheitsministerium nach einer Untersuchung im Sf. Pantelimon-Krankenhaus in der Hauptstadt liefert keine Erkenntnisse über die Todesursache im Falle der 17 Patienten, die auf der Intensivstation zwischen dem 4. und dem 7. April verstorben waren und bei denen durch eine Krankenschwester der Vorwurf einer Fehlbehandlung erhoben wurde. Die Innenrevision…

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RMAG news

Energy Policy Group and WWF Romania launch project to accelerate wind and solar energy in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary

Energy Policy Group (EPG) and WWF-Romania (World Wide Fund for Nature) announce the official launch of the RENewLand project, through which they aim to bring to the attention of the authorities a model of an intersectoral and multidisciplinary approach for the designation of areas suitable for the acceleration of onshore wind and solar energy in…

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La Policía Nacional alerta sobre una nueva estafa conocida como ‘La llamada del jefe’ o ‘Buen empleado’

La Policía Nacional alerta sobre una nueva estafa conocida como ‘La llamada del jefe’ o ‘Buen empleado’

La Policía Nacional de La Rioja ha lanzado una advertencia sobre una nueva modalidad de estafa conocida como ‘La llamada del jefe’ o ‘Buen empleado’. En varios casos reportados en la región, los estafadores se hacen pasar por el superior directo de la víctima o alguien cercano, solicitando transferencias bancarias urgentes. En esta modalidad de…

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2 arrested in Germany for alleged plot to sabotage US military facilities on behalf of Russia

2 arrested in Germany for alleged plot to sabotage US military facilities on behalf of Russia

Two German-Russian nationals have been arrested in Germany on suspicion of plotting sabotage attacks, including on U.S. military facilities, in an effort to undermine military support for Ukraine, officials said on Thursday. Authorities have searched the homes and workplaces of the two suspects accused of working for a foreign secret service. One of them, identified…

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Juniorul Vlad Covaliu și-a asigurat medalia de bronz la CM de la Riad. De la ora 16:00, luptă pentru o medalie mai strălucitoare

Juniorul Vlad Covaliu și-a asigurat medalia de bronz la CM de la Riad. De la ora 16:00, luptă pentru o medalie mai strălucitoare

Sabrerul român Vlad Covaliu (19 ani) s-a calificat în semifinalele probei individuale a juniorilor din cadrul Campionatelor Mondiale de la Riad (Arabia Saudită), asigurându-și medalie de bronz. În primii opt, a trecut de americanul Cody Ji Walter (15 -12), după iar în turul anterior trecuse de colegul său de echipă Radu Nițu, 15-6. …

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