College students, inmates and a nun: A unique book club meets at Cook County Jail

College students, inmates and a nun: A unique book club meets at Cook County Jail

For college senior Nana Ampofo, an unconventional book club inside one of the nation’s largest jails has transformed her career ambitions. Each week, the 22-year-old drives a van of her DePaul University peers to Cook County Jail to discuss books with inmates and recently, the well-known activist Sister Helen Prejean. Ampofo comes prepared with thought-provoking…

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Jugendstudie: Jugendliche gehen massenhaft der AfD auf den Leim

Jugendstudie: Jugendliche gehen massenhaft der AfD auf den Leim

Guten Morgen, liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, kleines Quiz gefällig? Bitte sehr: Aus welchem Jahrzehnt stammen die folgenden Schlagzeilen amerikanischer Zeitungen? “Polizei in New York verhaftet Antikriegs-Protestierende” – “Studenten in Kalifornien gehen auf die Barrikaden” – “Proteste an den Universitäten greifen um sich” Was meinen Sie, wann ist das gewesen und um welchen Krieg geht es…

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Black teen summit at Rolling Meadows H.S. cast spotlight on ‘beautiful diversity’ of School District 214

Black teen summit at Rolling Meadows H.S. cast spotlight on ‘beautiful diversity’ of School District 214

For nearly a decade, the “Black Teen Empowerment Summit” in Township High School District 214 has included students from across the six-school district who take part in what has become an annual tradition. This year, the summit was held April 19 at Rolling Meadows High School, and featured motivational speakers and inspirational activities with goals…

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