Grayslake Central’s Emma Andrews is having fun. Her power surge is no coincidence. ‘Emma has taken a huge step.’

Grayslake Central’s Emma Andrews is having fun. Her power surge is no coincidence. ‘Emma has taken a huge step.’

Grayslake Central junior shortstop Emma Andrews is enjoying herself on the softball field. Her father, Christian Andrews, is a police sergeant in Grayslake, and her mother, Heather Andrews, recently retired from the force. They taught Emma Andrews the importance of not only working hard but also having fun. “She’s a goof,” Christian Andrews said. “She…

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Un nuevo estudio revela por qué los robots no se mueven lo que prometía la ficción

Un nuevo estudio revela por qué los robots no se mueven lo que prometía la ficción

Escribió Asimov una colección de cuentos cortos llamada Sueños de robot y Phillip K. Dick bautizó como ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? al libro que inspiró Blade Runner. Parece que durante décadas nos preguntamos con qué soñarían los robots y ahora, en nuestro presente súper-tecnológico, seguimos sin saberlo, porque somos nosotros los que soñamos…

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Canale Ben Gurion: cos’è il progetto di un Suez Bis, cosa c’entrano Israele e Gaza, il complottismo

Canale Ben Gurion: cos’è il progetto di un Suez Bis, cosa c’entrano Israele e Gaza, il complottismo

Spopolare il nord della Striscia di Gaza, ripulirla per realizzare una delle più grandi infrastrutture al mondo. Dopo gli attacchi dello scorso 7 ottobre di Hamas nel sud di Israele che hanno provocato la violenza reazione dello Stato Ebraico è tornato di attualità un vecchio progetto, morto e sepolto anche se mastodontico: la costruzione di…

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RMAG news

Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong on American Idiot‘s Impact: ‘It Changed Everything for Me’

This week, Billboard is publishing a series of lists and articles celebrating the music of 20 years ago. Our 2004 Week continues here as we hear from an artist behind arguably the year’s biggest rock album: Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, whose punk-rock opera American Idiot sold millions and spawned four huge hit singles, led by its pointedly…

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