Central Electoral Bureau validates Bucharest referendum results

Central Electoral Bureau validates Bucharest referendum results

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) validated in its Thursday meeting, November 28, the results of the referendum organized in Bucharest on November 24, the same day as the first round of the presidential elections. Voter turnout exceeded the required threshold for all three questions.

The referendum was initiated by general mayor Nicuşor Dan and focused on how the capital city’s budget is split between the general and district city halls, how the building permits are issued, and drug prevention programs in schools.

On the first question, concerning the authorization of construction permits by the general mayor across the city, 40.22% of eligible voters cast valid votes.

For the second question, about the General Council approving the distribution of local taxes between the Bucharest City Hall and sectoral municipalities, valid votes accounted for 40.16% of the electorate.

At the same time, regarding the third question, proposing a health education and anti-drug program in Bucharest schools funded by the City Hall, 40.23% of registered voters participated.

The full decision will be published in the Official Gazette and is available on the BEC website.

Nicușor Dan, re-elected for a second term as mayor in the local elections earlier this summer, has long argued that the City Hall does not have the budget to tackle all of Bucharest’s problems, with a large portion of funds going to the districts. He also condemned developers for creating high-density areas that worsen traffic.


(Photo source: Inquam Photos/Alexandra Pandrea)

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