The Fossil-size hole in Wear OS

The Fossil-size hole in Wear OS

For Fossil, the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze. | Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge When Fossil announced it was leaving the Android smartwatch space, I wasn’t surprised. The signs had been there for a while. What I didn’t expect was how sad it made me feel. Fossil’s smartwatches had never been the…

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RMAG news

Dayglo Presents Takes Over Bearsville Theater

This summer, Woodstock, N.Y.’s historic Bearsville Theater will return to its former glory. Calling from the heart of the Catskill mountains, the legendary 60-year venue will welcome iconic artists and seas of fans once more under the new direction of Dayglo Presents. The live entertainment and media company, run by esteemed promoter Peter Shapiro, will…

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FCC votes to restore net neutrality

FCC votes to restore net neutrality

Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photos from Getty Images The Federal Communications Commission voted 3–2 to restore net neutrality rules, reversing a repeal ushered through during the Trump administration. Net neutrality is the idea that internet service providers (ISPs) should not be able to discriminate against different kinds of content by blocking or throttling…

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RMAG news

FCC votes to restore net neutrality protections

The Federal Communications Commission has voted to reinstate net neutrality protections that were jettisoned during the Trump administration. As expected, the vote fell across party lines with the three Democratic commissioners in favor and the two Republicans on the panel voting against the measure. With net neutrality rules in place, broadband service is considered an…

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