Creating a windows 11 VM on Azure.

Creating a windows 11 VM on Azure.

Creating a Windows 11 Virtual Machine (VM) on Azure involves several steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up your VM:


Azure Subscription: You need an active Azure subscription. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for a free account.
Azure Portal Access: Ensure you can log into the Azure Portal.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal

1 – Navigate to the Azure Portal.

2 – Log in with your Azure account credentials.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Machine

1 – Navigate to Virtual Machines:

In the Azure portal, select “Create a resource” from the top left corner.

Choose “Compute” and then select “Virtual Machine.”

2 – Basics Tab:

Subscription: Select your subscription.
Resource Group: Create a new resource group or select an existing one.
Virtual Machine Name: Enter a name for your VM.

Region: Choose the region where you want to deploy the VM.
Availability Options: Choose based on your need (e.g., no infrastructure redundancy required).
Image: Select “Windows 11” from the list of available images. If it’s not listed, you might need to use a custom image (see additional notes below).

Size: Select an appropriate size based on your needs (e.g., Standard_D2s_v3).
Administrator Account: Create a username and password for the VM.

Inbound port rules: Select which VM port is accessible from the public internet.

3 – Disks Tab:

Select the OS disk type (Standard SSD, Premium SSD, etc.).
Add data disks if necessary.

4 – Networking Tab:

Configure the virtual network, subnet, public IP, and NIC network security group.
Enable or disable public IP based on your requirement.

5 – Management Tab:

Enable or disable boot diagnostics.
Configure monitoring options like Azure Monitor, Auto-shutdown, and Backup.

6 – Monitoring Tab:

Configure monitoring options for your VM

7 – Advanced Tab:

Configure advanced settings like extensions and custom scripts.

8 – Tags Tab:

Optionally, add tags to categorize your resources.

9 – Review + Create:

Review the configuration settings.
Click “Create” to start the deployment.

Step 3: Access Your VM

Once the VM is created, navigate to the “Virtual Machines” section in the Azure Portal.

Select your newly created Windows 11 VM.
Click on “Connect” to obtain the RDP file.
Use the RDP file to connect to your VM using the username and password you set up.

This guide provides a basic overview of setting up a Windows 11 VM on Azure. Adjust the configurations based on your specific requirements and organizational policies.

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