Discussion: What makes good Content on DEV Community? 🚀🌟

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Hello fellow dev,

I hope you are all doing great.

I’ve been wondering 🤔 what makes a post beneficial to the DEV community.

There are many great posts out here, but I’ve noticed a mix of quality.

For example; incomplete posts, some relevant ones contain grammar and punctuation mistakes, while others seem unrelated to this platform.

I acknowledge the tag for off-topic subjects, but I’ve noticed that some posts lack it.

How can we continuously ensure high-quality content and provide valuable experiences for everyone?

Some points to consider:

What makes a post valuable and informative for you as a developer?
What criteria would you use to evaluate a post’s quality (low or high) and relevance to the community?
How important are clarity, accuracy, and usefulness when reading content?
Have you noticed any posts that seem irrelevant or contain grammar and punctuation errors? How do these affect your experience?
What are other points that you have noticed, good or bad?

I look forward to your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below! 💬 🙂

I wish you all a happy weekend ahead. 🌞

I am not an expert and am new to writing and contributing to this community. I aim to share, learn, and grow together while promoting better contributions. If you have any concerns about the relevance or duplication of my posts, please notify me.

Please note that this post aims to improve the community experience and is not directed at any specific individual.

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