Election diary: Satirists must be in despair after Tory campaign’s first comedic days

Election diary: Satirists must be in despair after Tory campaign’s first comedic days

From Reform and Redwood to a Titanic misstep, early electioneering has offered much unintentional hilarity

Every election needs some questionable statistics. Lovers of crimes against line graphs will be pleased to hear of one from Reform UK showing migration since 1066, which missed out migration spikes long before William the Conk was even a twinkle in the Duke eye. A major peak came, for instance, about 25,000 years ago, when the population went up from zero – a startling increase – and Reform also had nothing to say about the Romans, Anglo-Saxons or Beakers. And why leave the Vikings out? Reform’s obsession with small boats might have actually captured the zeitgeist.

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