

This is a submission for the The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge

What I Built

FileSyncDrive is an electron desktop app that listens for Changes on a users local file and syncs to the cloud. it creates a folder “sync_folder” in the users home directory, any changes made to the files will be reflected on the amplify storage.


Login Amplify Authenticator Component

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 1

File Changes Synced

Screenshot 3

Files Link can be share for users to access via the web

Tested on Windows11


Connected Components and/or Feature Full

Amplify UI Components

Amplify UI Components was used to quickly scaffold our UI.


Amplify Authenticator was used to setup our Auth flow.

File Storage

Amplify Storage enabled us to instantly upload our modified files on local, also we can easily get our uploaded files from the storage

Desktop App Repo

Repo for share file on the web

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