RMAG news

Wegen einer Umarmung: Iran verbietet wieder Frauen im Stadion

Das erst vor wenigen Monaten aufgehobene Stadionverbot für Frauen in Iran soll Berichten zufolge wieder in Kraft treten. Die iranische Fußballliga habe der nordwestiranischen Stadt Tabris angeordnet, das Stadionverbot wieder einzuführen, berichteten am Mittwoch mehrere Medien übereinstimmend. Bei der Anwesenheit von Frauen im Jadegar-Imam Stadion des Klubs Traktor-Sazi sei es zu „abstoßenden Vorfällen“ gekommen, hieß…

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RMAG news

Prosegue la guerra tra Meloni e Salvini: premierato senza fretta per rallentare l’autonomia

Il premierato ha superato in scioltezza il primo ostacolo: testo approvato dalla maggioranza in commissione con il voto della maggioranza e Iv che, rompendo il fronte delle opposizioni, si astiene. Già martedì la conferenza dei capigruppo del Senato potrebbe calendarizzare a spron battuto l’approdo in aula. L’opposizione, come è naturale, protesta e strepita ma a…

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Air Crash Investigation Season 8 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Paramount Plus

Air Crash Investigation Season 8 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Paramount Plus

PC Credit: National Geography Air Crash Investigation Season 8 gathers aviation experts who carry out investigations on dreadful plane accidents and crises across the world. Through their investigation, they conclude what caused this tragedy and how individuals were affected. They give out suggestions for making aviation safety standards better. The season premiered on June 10,…

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Rescue Heroes (1999) Season 2 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock

Rescue Heroes (1999) Season 2 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock

Image credits: Peacock Rescue Heroes (1999) Season 2 continues to see Billy Blazes and his team setting out on numerous adventures, safeguarding the world from various disasters. Throughout their missions, they give out wise lessons surrounding teamwork, unity, and cooperation during emergency times. Here’s how you can watch and stream Rescue Heroes (1999) Season 2…

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Sold-out pentru un meci din Superliga României. Partida care se va juca cu ”casa închisă”

Sold-out pentru un meci din Superliga României. Partida care se va juca cu ”casa închisă”

Etapa a șaptea din Superligă programează un meci foarte important în lupta pentru evitarea retrogrădării. Partida a stârnit interes major în rândul suporterilor, care au cumpărat toate biletele disponibile pentru acest duel. Despre ce meci este vorba. Primul meci cu spectatori în play-out Dacă în play-off lucrurile sunt clare, cu FCSB la un meci de…

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RMAG news

Lazarus On the Hunt: How North Korean Hackers are Targeting Crypto via LinkedIn

The notorious Lazarus Group, a cybercriminal organization believed to be backed by North Korea, has emerged with a new attack strategy targeting unsuspecting companies on LinkedIn, a popular professional networking platform. This development raises concerns about the evolving tactics of cybercriminals and the increasing difficulty for businesses to distinguish legitimate job seekers from malicious actors….

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