1 dead after shooting in SE Albuquerque

1 dead after shooting in SE Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Authorities are investigating a shooting that happened Friday evening. According to the Albuquerque Police Department (APD), there was a deadly shooting at the Cinnamon Tree Apartments around 9 p.m. Video shows Santa Fe groomer punching, pulling dogs One man died, and a woman was taken to the hospital. SWAT was called to the…

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RMAG news

De Gregori e Checco Zalone insieme in Pastiche: uno dei migliori album italiani degli ultimi anni

Da pochi giorni è uscito Pastiche, il nuovo (no, non è un errore, state buoni) album di Francesco De Gregori e Checco Zalone, prodotto dallo storico bassista del cantautore romano, Guido Guglielminetti. Dovremmo partire da Francesco De Gregori ma partiamo invece con un piccolo, per quanto possa servire, elogio di Checco Zalone. In genere si…

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Blackstone Submits $1.5 Billion Takeover Bid for Hipgnosis Songs Fund, Rivaling Concord

Blackstone Submits $1.5 Billion Takeover Bid for Hipgnosis Songs Fund, Rivaling Concord

Private equity giant Blackstone bid $1.5 billion to buy Hipgnosis Songs Fund on Saturday (April 20), marking a significant escalation in the fight for control of the troubled music royalty fund and its collection of rights to songs by Neil Young, Journey, Lindsey Buckingham, Blondie and others. Related Hipgnosis Songs Fund Board Recommends Shareholders Approve $1.4B…

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RMAG news

„Fußballmörder RBL“: Säure-Attacke auf Leipzig-Fans

Vor dem Leipziger Bundesliga-Spiel in Heidenheim wartete auf die 1500 mitgereisten Fans eine böse Überraschung. In der Nacht zum Samstag hatten die Heidenheimer Fans offensichtlich aus Protest gegen Red Bull Buttersäure im gesamten Auswärtsblock verteilt. Sie kann Augen und Atemwege reizen. Während des Spiels am Samstagabend roch es stark nach Erbrochenem, nicht nur im Gästeblock….

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