Is Masaba Gupta Pregnant?

Is Masaba Gupta Pregnant?

Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Mishra attend the Shilpa Shetty Diwali Bash (Photo Credit: Prodip Guha via Getty Images) Renowned fashion designer and actor Masaba Gupta recently announced her pregnancy with her husband, Satyadeep Mishra. She is the daughter of  National Film Awards-winning actor Neena Gupta and retired cricketer Vivian Richards. Masaba Gupta has her label,…

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Haushaltsdefizit 2023 ernster als angenommen

Haushaltsdefizit 2023 ernster als angenommen

Bukarest (ADZ) – Ein konsolidierter Report der Generaldirektion EcFin innerhalb der Europäischen Kommission weist für Rumänien ein Haushaltsdefizit von 6,3% der Wirtschaftsleistung aus, berichtet Die Regierung hatte im Januar durch das Finanzministerium mitgeteilt, dass das Defizit zum Jahresende bei nur 5,68% lag. Laut Wirtschaftsexperten entspricht die Differenz bei einem BIP von rund 300 Milliarden…

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Ciolacu, atacat de colegul de coaliție: Va rămâne în istorie ca “Domnul erecție”

Ciolacu, atacat de colegul de coaliție: Va rămâne în istorie ca “Domnul erecție”

În țara unde premierul României, domnul Marcel Ciolacu, vrea să vorbească de “lecție” și se exprimă cu “erecție” este foarte clar că mai există oaze de normalitate. Ciolacu va rămâne în istorie ca “domnul erecție”, spune Florin Roman.  Florin Roman a continuat apoi atacul la partenerul său de Coaliție și de guvernare, în condițiile în…

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Spotify recognises Nature as an artist

Spotify recognises Nature as an artist

Birds chirping in the forest, waves crashing in the ocean, and the sound of thunderstorms are some of nature’s beloved symphonies. These sounds are inseparable from the human experience not only as they have proven to be beneficial for our mental health and wellbeing, but also because they’re believed to have played an instrumental role…

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Judge shoots down Texas AG Paxton’s attempt to block guaranteed income program

Judge shoots down Texas AG Paxton’s attempt to block guaranteed income program

A Houston district judge on Thursday shot down Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s attempt to block a guaranteed income program. In Harris County’s 165th Civil Court, Judge Ursula Hall struck down Paxton’s arguments that the Uplift Harris program, which distributes monthly stipends to more than 1,900 low-income residents, is unconstitutional. “If the program does include…

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