How to stop Europe’s drift to the right | Letters

How to stop Europe’s drift to the right | Letters

Alan Mitcham says leftwing parties must make ending war their priority, Gillian Homeri encourages citizens to be more politically active and Barry Kushner says centrist parties must reach across the class divide

I read your reports on the European elections, including your assessment that the political landscape has moved to the right (EU elections 2024: how did key countries vote and what does it mean?, 10 June). Although this is correct, I feel that it doesn’t tell the whole story.

The main and paramount criteria for my vote (here in Germany) was to vote for a party which proposes a diplomatic solution to the various wars that are raging. To me it is obvious that no other problems (especially the issue of climate change) can really be solved until the wars stop. I voted for Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), which surged from a standing start of zero to six seats, because this party proposes a diplomatic solution to the wars. The only other viable party proposing negotiations with Russia is the AfD – so, despite everything, if BSW had not been available, I, a liberal, would have voted AfD.

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