How to Use ChatGPT to get a job

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Job searching can be tough, but using tools like ChatGPT can make it easier. In this article, we’ll explore how to use ChatGPT to improve your resume, write cover letters, and prepare for interviews.

Using ChatGPT for Cover Letters

Why Typical ChatGPT Outputs Can Fall Short

Many people think ChatGPT can write great cover letters, but often, it misses the mark. A common problem is that these letters focus too much on the applicant and not enough on the company. A good cover letter should hook the reader by addressing the company’s needs.

A Better Approach

Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing an effective cover letter with ChatGPT:

Identify the Company’s Challenge: First, analyze the job description to find the biggest challenge for the role. For example, if the job description says the company needs someone to manage and coordinate teams, that’s the challenge you should focus on.

Craft an Engaging Hook: Ask ChatGPT to help write a hook that connects your experience with the identified challenge. For instance, you might say, “As a sales account manager in the retail industry, I’ve tackled team coordination challenges similar to those at your company.” This shows you understand their needs and are ready to help.

Complete the Cover Letter: Use the hook to start your cover letter. Then, finish it by highlighting your relevant experiences. Keep it concise and to the point.

By using this approach, you create a cover letter that grabs attention and shows you’re a good fit for the role.

Using ChatGPT to Tailor Your Resume

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Many job seekers make the mistake of copying and pasting the job description into ChatGPT and asking it to tailor their resume. This often results in a generic resume that doesn’t stand out.

A More Effective Strategy

Here’s how to tailor your resume with ChatGPT:

Role Prompting: Tell ChatGPT it is an expert resume writer with 20 years of experience. Ask it to highlight the three most important responsibilities from the job description.

Tailoring the Resume: Using the identified responsibilities, ask ChatGPT to tailor your resume for the role. Make sure it doesn’t make up any information. Paste your current resume for context.

Comparing Versions: Request a table comparing the original resume with the updated one. This helps you see the changes clearly and catch any inaccuracies.

This method helps align your resume with the job description, making it more appealing to recruiters.

Quantifying Achievements

Quantifying your achievements can make your resume more impressive. For example, instead of saying, “I prepared coffee,” you could say, “I prepared 50 cups of coffee daily.” This shows you understand the importance of measurement.

Preparing for Interviews with ChatGPT

Answering Common Questions

A common interview question is, “Tell me about yourself.” Here’s how to use ChatGPT to prepare a strong answer:

Identify Responsibilities: Tell ChatGPT it is a seasoned hiring manager. Ask it to highlight the three most important responsibilities from the job description.

Structure Your Answer: Use the present, past, and future framework. Talk about your current role, relevant past experiences, and why you want the new position. Keep your answer within 300 words and make sure the future section is tailored to the company.

Provide Specific Examples: Ask ChatGPT to use specific examples from your work experiences. Follow the Carl format—Context, Action, Result, Learning. This helps structure your answer effectively.

This article on lists 6 common interview questions and how to answer them. It also gives examples of answers that you can use to tailor your own answers. I suggest you create answer templates for these common questions and practice them often.

Organizing Your Preparation

Compile all your questions and answers in a Google Doc. This makes it easy to review them before your interview.

Generating Common Interview Questions

Here’s how to use ChatGPT to generate common interview questions:

List Common Questions: Ask ChatGPT to list the 10 most common interview questions for the role based on the job description.

Understand and Answer Questions: Select a question and ask ChatGPT to explain why the interviewer asks it. Request tips on how to structure your answer. Present this information in a two-column table for clarity.

This helps you understand the interviewer’s perspective and prepare strong answers.

Next Steps: Networking and Following Up

Networking with ChatGPT

In part two of this series, we’ll explore how to use ChatGPT for networking. This includes reaching out to potential employers, crafting LinkedIn messages, and building connections in your industry.

Following Up After Interviews

Following up after an interview is crucial. ChatGPT can help you write polite and effective follow-up emails that show your continued interest in the role.


Using ChatGPT for your job search can make the process easier and more effective. By following these steps, you can write better cover letters, tailor your resume, and prepare for interviews more effectively. Stay tuned for part two, where we’ll dive into networking and follow-up strategies. Happy job hunting!

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