Hello, I’m Renato Junior, and you’re here to learn HTML in 180-second videos. In this video, you’ll learn what HTML is and how you can code in HTML.
You’ve probably visited Google’s, YouTube’s, or Amazon’s websites at some point in your life. These amazing sites you see on the internet are built using various technologies, and HTML is one of them.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It’s like a big instruction book that tells the computer how to display things on the screen. For example, it tells where to place text, images, videos, and everything else you see when you open a website.
HTML uses special words called tags. Think of tags like Lego pieces. Each tag has a specific function, such as creating a title, a paragraph, or even inserting an image. And you’ll combine all these pieces to build a website.
If you’re still a bit confused about what you can do with HTML, don’t worry. Once you start practicing, you’ll definitely understand.
So, how do you start coding in HTML? It’s very simple, all you need is a text editor.
You can use Notepad++, VS Code, or even your computer’s basic Notepad to write HTML.
We’ll start with Notepad++. If you want to know how to download it or another text editor, check this out:
How install Notepad++? https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/
How Install VSCode? https://code.visualstudio.com/download
In the next video, you’ll write your first HTML file.