Dozens of New Mexico school districts and charter schools sue over 180-day rule

Dozens of New Mexico school districts and charter schools sue over 180-day rule

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – More than 50 school districts and charter schools are bringing a lawsuit against the state over a new rule requiring a 180-day school year. The state’s Superintendent’s Association says more are signing on. UNM launching AI-enhanced pilot program this summer The suit claims the requirement of 180 instructional days conflicts with the…

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Kid Cudi cancels tour after breaking foot at Coachella: “The injury is much more serious than I thought”

Kid Cudi cancels tour after breaking foot at Coachella: “The injury is much more serious than I thought”

Kid Cudi has announced the cancellation of his upcoming North American tour after breaking his foot at Coachella 2024. READ MORE: Coachella 2024: surprises, technical difficulties and a distinct lack of vibes Last weekend, Kid Cudi performed a last-minute set at Coachella, taking over the Sahara Tent on Sunday (April 21). However, his performance – which…

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RMAG news

Statul Arizona îi inculpă pe colaboratorii lui Trump

Statul american Arizona a inculpat 18 persoane în cadrul tentativei de a răsturna rezultatele alegerilor prezidenţiale din 2020 în favoarea lui Donald Trump, a declarat miercuri procurorul general al statului, notează AFP. Printre persoanele inculpate, media americane îl citează pe Rudy Giuliani, fostul avocat personal al fostului preşedinte Donald Trump. Acuzaţiile se referă la un complot…

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