I run a university – people like me should be backing students’ right to protest over Gaza | Patrizia Nanz

I run a university – people like me should be backing students’ right to protest over Gaza | Patrizia Nanz

The brutal repression of student protests from Amsterdam to Los Angeles is exposing failings at the heart of our universities

Across the world, university students have set up encampments to protest against the humanitarian disaster unfolding in Gaza and put pressure on academic institutions and governments. Whatever one thinks of their message and of their requests, their moral indignation in the face of avoidable human suffering is one we should all be able to share.

I find it inspiring that this student movement has been spearheaded by a generation that was too quickly labelled apolitical and self-absorbed. Think about it: these students grew up in the bleak post-9/11 world, with a future foreclosed by the 2008 financial crisis and the climate meltdown. They are still reeling from two years of pandemic that have taken a heavy educational and emotional toll. Still, this generation has succeeded in organising a global movement that is coordinated, smart and humane. It deserves much better than condescension.

Prof Patrizia Nanz is president of the European University Institute

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