I wanna Do ____! — An AI powered habit building application

I wanna Do ____! — An AI powered habit building application

This is a submission for the GitHub Copilot Challenge : New Beginnings

What I Built

A Habit tracking application that uses AI to create tasks and goals for you which help you build good habits!


The live demo is hosted at: https://do.aarnavpai.in
The source code is at: https://github.com/arnu515/i-wanna-do


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AI powered habit building app!

I wanna Do!

An app that lets you build habits with AI!

This application was built for the GitHub Copilot 1-Day Build Challenge (and it was built in ~19h!)

It is hosted live at https://do.aarnavpai.in.

For more information, check this post on DEV

Copilot Experience

Copilot was very useful in this task. I’m sure it would have taken me twice as long if it weren’t for Copilot. Copilot does repetitive tasks very well, for example, converting an SQL schema into a typescript interface, or converting JSON to typescript interfaces. It can also do all the boilerplate code, so you focus on what matters. Copilot chat is useful for performing tedious refactors that would require command line scripts to do! Copilot chat was also useful in planning this application.

GitHub Models

This application uses GitHub Models to plan out a habit building journey. The LLM converts whatever habit the user wishes to build into a proper roadmap with goals and tasks, breaking down big tasks into smaller ones and making them more approachable.


This was a unique challenge because of the time limit. There were so many things I wanted to add but couldn’t because of the time constraints. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun! I hope GitHub comes back with more challenges in the future!

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