I’m moving overseas to study and my mum wants to track my phone. How do I push back? | Leading questions

I’m moving overseas to study and my mum wants to track my phone. How do I push back? | Leading questions

Conceding to her request doesn’t do your relationship any favours, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. Take this as an opportunity to develop the relationship as two adults

I’m moving away to another country for university next year and my mum wants to put a tracker on my phone so she can know where I am and make sure I’m OK. I don’t want her to do this, not because I have anything to hide, but because I’d like to have some independence and privacy.

She’s never been a particularly strict parent but she’s insistent on this one thing. But if I tell her she might think I’m hiding something, or it might upset her as it may be one of the only ways she feels she could be a part of my life when I go – which isn’t true, because I plan to keep in good contact.

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