IP-Adapter-FaceID-PlusV2–0 Shot Face Transfer — Auto Installer & Gradio App — Massed Compute, RunPod, Kaggle, Windows

IP-Adapter-FaceID-PlusV2–0 Shot Face Transfer — Auto Installer & Gradio App — Massed Compute, RunPod, Kaggle, Windows

The zip file contains installers for Windows, RunPod, Massed Compute and a free Kaggle account notebook

It generates a VENV and install everything inside it. Works with Python 3.10.x — I suggest 3.10.11

Also you need C++ tools and Git. You can follow this tutorial to install all : https://youtu.be/-NjNy7afOQ0

Updated 27 May 2024 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/95759342

21 January 2024 Update
SDXL model upgraded to ip-adapter-faceid-plusv2_sd15
Kaggle Notebook upgraded to V3 and supports SDXL now

First of all I want to thank you so much for this amazing model.

I have spent over 1 week to code the Gradio and prepare the video. I hope you let this thread remain and even add to the Readme file.

After video has been published I even added face embedding caching mechanism. So now it will calculate face embedding vector only 1 time for each image, thus super speed up the image generation.

Instantly Transfer Face By Using IP-Adapter-FaceID: Full Tutorial & GUI For Windows, RunPod & Kaggle

chapters are like below

0:00 Introduction to IP-Adapter-FaceID full tutorial
2:19 Requirements to use IP-Adapter-FaceID gradio Web APP
2:45 Where the Hugging Face models are downloaded by default on Windows
3:12 How to change folder path where the Hugging Face models are downloaded and cached
3:39 How to install IP-Adapter-FaceID Gradio Web APP and use on Windows
5:35 How to start the IP-Adapter-FaceID Web UI after the installation
5:46 How to use Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) models with IP-Adapter-FaceID
5:56 How to select your input face and start generating 0-shot face transferred new amazing images
6:06 What does each option on the Web UI do explanations
6:44 What are those dropdown menu models and their meaning
7:50 How to use custom and local models with custom model path
8:09 How to add custom models and local models into your Web UI dropdown menu permanently
8:52 How to use a CivitAI model in IP-Adapter-FaceID web APP
9:17 How to convert CKPT or Safetensors model files into diffusers format
10:05 How to use diffusers exported model in custom model path input
10:24 How to download generated images and also where the generated images are saved
10:40 How to use an SDXL mode
11:37 How to permanently add your custom local models into your Web APP models dropdown list
13:28 How to install and use IP-Adapter-FaceID gradio Web APP on RunPod
15:39 How to start IP-Adapter-FaceID gradio Web APP on RunPod after the installation
16:02 What you need to be careful when using on RunPod or on Kaggle
16:43 How to use a network storage on RunPod to permanently keep storage between pods
17:17 How to edit web app on RunPod and add any model to UI permanently
17:46 How to kill started Web UI instance on RunPod
18:08 How to install fuser command on RunPod on Linux
19:01 How to use custom CivitAI model on RunPod with IP-Adapter-FaceID
20:00 If wget method from CivitAI fails how to make it work on RunPod or on Kaggle
20:34 How to delete files on RunPod properly
20:58 How to convert CKPT or Safetensors checkpoints into diffusers on RunPod
22:58 Showing example of SD 1.5 model conversion on RunPod
24:18 How to install and use IP-Adapter-FaceID gradio Web APP on a Free Kaggle notebook
26:10 How to download custom models into the temp directory of Kaggle to use on the Web APP
26:47 How to get your token and activate it to use Gradio app on Kaggle
27:05 After auth token set how to start Web UI on Kaggle
28:26 How to convert a custom CivitAI or any model into Diffusers on Kaggle to use
29:23 How to download all the generated images on a Kaggle notebook with 1 click
30:12 Where to find our Discord channel link: https://discord.com/servers/software-engineering-courses-secourses-772774097734074388

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